Does your company sometimes need to spend more than your granted card credit allows? To be sure that there is always money on your Mynt card, you can top up the account by activating auto-top up for the account via direct debit when the balance gets low.
In the web environment in account --> settings --> auto-refill, you can activate and change the limit value for auto-top up.
βImportant to notice
You have to connect direct debit for Auto top up to work.
An auto top-up takes about 3 banking days to appear on the account, so set your rules for an auto top-up accordingly and not too low.
In order for auto top up to work as it should, it is required that the account is topped up enough so that the balance exceeds your specified minimum balance.
It is also important to note that if the minimum balance is exceeded during a holiday, the top-up is delayed.
If, while you are waiting for your top-up, you decide to make a transfer yourself, your auto top-up will be canceled when the system sees that money is coming in.